May 6th 1891

£10.10.0 was voted to be sent to the Royal Masonic Institute for Girls and W Bro Allen PM was elected Steward for the Girls Anniversary.

November 4th 1891

A letter was read in Lodge from Mrs Orme (widow of the late Past Master) thanking the Members for help in the election of her daughter to the Royal Masonic Institute for Girls.

December 7th 1892

It was proposed that steps be taken to remedy the cold draughts in the Lodge Rooms.

March 1st 1893

It was proposed that a letter was sent to Mrs Mellor from whom the Lodge Room was rented, and urge upon her the necessity of having the gas supply pipes put into a proper state of repair, and to remedy the draughty state of the room.

April 13th 1893

A letter from Mrs Mellor was read.  It was proposed she again be approached as to the draughts as the gas was still very defective.

October 4th 1893

W Bro Allen reported attending Provincial Grand Lodge held at Coleshill.  Machen Lodge on 27th September 1893 when W Bro Calladine was appointed PGD.

October 4th 1893

Bro A Sale proposed that the Floor Cloth be shaken before next Lodge.

January 3rd 1894

W Bro G Beech, PG Sec, was present at the Installation Meeting.

April 4th 1894

The arrangement with Mrs Mellor for the Town Hall and Banquets was terminated as Mr Parkinson was now the lessee of the Town Hall.  It was proposed that Mr Parkinson was approached to arrange terms for the hire of the room.

November 7th 1894

Bro JF Herrings applied for the loan of the Floor Cloth on the occasion of ‘Tableau Vivants’ in aid of the Atherstone Nursing Fund.  This was agreed to, but the Secretary was asked to write to the Provincial Grand Secretary asking if the Floor Cloth could be used for any other purpose but Freemasonry.

February 6th 1895

Lecture by W Bro Revd Buckle on ‘The History of Freemasonry’.  It was resolved that a new box be purchased for the Lodge’s Books and papers.  This is presumably the tin box which still holds these records.

May 1st 1895

It was reported that an agreement with Mr Parkinson for rent of the Lodge Room, fires, gas and cleaning to be £7.10.0 per annum.

June 5th 1895

It was reported that the pavement and pedestals were not properly put away after the last Lodge.  The Tyler was to be seen and told to take better care of the Lodge properties.

October 2nd 1895

At the Provincial Grand Lodge Meeting at Aston on the 24th September 1895 Bro Hatton was called up for Provincial Honours but as he did not attend, the honour was passed over.  Four Brethren of the Lodge were appointed Stewards of Provincial Grand Lodge.

May 6th 1896

A contribution of 5/- was sent to ‘Free Homes for the Dying’ at Clapham.

October 1st 1896 A visit of Provincial Grand Lodge to Atherstone.  As previously, the Meeting was held at the Corn Exchange.  W Bro JT Collins, DPGM, was in attendance.  The business of Provincial Grand Lodge was transacted and then all the Brethren processed to St Mary’s Church, Atherstone.  The offertory at the Church amounted to £16.18.6 of which £5.5.0 was voted by Provincial Grand Lodge to the Vicar of St Mary’s Church for Church Charities.  W Bro Bourne, WM, was appointed PGJW and W Bro Hatton “received an honour”.  Attendance – 26 Members, 120 Visitors.

December 2nd 1896

The owner of the Town Hall was written to concerning the “uncomfortable and insanitary condition of the Building”.

May 3rd 1897

Two guineas was contributed to the Pulpit fund for St Mary’s Church, Warwick.

November 2nd 1898

Two guineas was sent to Lord Leigh’s (Provincial Grand Master) Testimonial Fund.  The Lodge funds were very low at this time but the Prov Grand Secy thought the amount dismally small and said so.  Some entertaining correspondence followed which is best left in the comparative concealment of the old Minute Book.

February 7th 1900

The condition of the Town Hall was again causing concern and W Bro Mears, Medical Officer of Health for Atherstone, promised to see Mr Veal about it.

May 2nd 1900

A donation of £21.00 was made to the Warwickshire Benevolent Festival Fund.

October 3rd 1900

The lodge met for the first time at the Masonic Rooms which were in the house of Mr Bagneath, Clothier and Outfitter, Long Street, Atherstone.  Bro Revd Bowers offered to present the Lodge with a kneeling stool.

December 5th 1900

W Bro G Shread, Past Master 482 and 1782, PPGSD, accepted as an Honorary Member.  The Secretary was to write to him and thank him for his gift of a set of “firing mallets of his own workmanship”.

< 1881 – 1890  1901 – 1910 >

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